Exception handling in Coroutine

Let’s talk about handling errors in coroutines. This is key to building reliable apps. We’ll cover the basics and show you how to deal with problems effectively. Concept of a “Job” in Kotlin Coroutines When you start a coroutine with launch or async, you get a Job object. A Job
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As we know in the previous article, Coroutine Dispatcher helps us manage threads that will be used when starting coroutines. They allow us to specify which thread or thread pool will be used. To run a task in the background thread, we can use Dispatchers.IO or Dispatchers.Default. These two dispatchers
Continue readingBasic knowledge about Coroutine Scope and Dispatchers

Hello, this is the 2nd article in the Kotlin Coroutine tutorial series. In this article we will learn about Coroutine Scope What is Coroutine Scope? As we know in the previous article, to start a coroutine we need to use the launch or async function. These are essentially extension functions
Continue readingBasic concepts about Kotlin Coroutine – Coroutine and Suspend functions

Hello guys! This is the first article in a series of tutorials on Kotlin coroutine. The articles will go from basic to advanced levels. I hope it will help you guys. What is a coroutine? You can imagine Corotine as “lightweight threads”. We can have multiple coroutines running on one
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